"What could be better than practicing Tai Chi with friends on as lovely spring morning? When you are also entertaining and involving people working to raise money for cancer research."
The Doncaster group were invited to work with the Manningham Relay for Life fundraiser to provide a demonstration for the participants in the relay on the morning of 14 September 2014.
Participants were invited to join in Qi Gong and Shibashi exercises, and if inclined to also follow through Yang levels 1 to 3, ably led by Belinda Leong and Bruce Ellis. Relay participants and members of the organising committee joined in the sessions and expressed a keen interest in a return session at the next Relay for Life event at Doncaster. The picture shows Belinda Leong, Jana Jares, Christina Koh, Shelley Sandars, and Bruce Ellis.
The morning's session was topped off with a super-food fruit juice so we were fully energised to enjoy the rest of a sunny Sunday."
Shelley Sandars
Trainee Instructor, Doncaster